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Termination Letter Generator

Generate a professionally formatted termination email to your staff in no time, for free!

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Termination Letter Generator
Termination Letter Generator

How to Use Our Termination Letter Generator?

Using our Termination Letter Generator is very straightforward. In fact, you’ll only need to do a few easy steps to create just the letters you need:

  • 1. Enter the name and job title of the employee who’ll receive the letter.
  • 2. Select optional talking points, tone of voice, and, if needed, change the language.
  • 3. Click “Generate” to receive the perfectly formatted termination letter instantly.
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5 Termination Letter Templates

Below are 5 termination letter templates thoughtfully designed to address various scenarios. Feel free to utilize these templates as they are or make adjustments using our AI-powered tool.

1. Employee Layoff Termination Letter Template

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company's Name]
[Company's Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]

[Employee’s Name]
[Employee’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

We regret to inform you that due to [state the specific reasons such as restructuring, downsizing, economic downturn etc], your position at [Company's Name] is being discontinued effective from [Termination Date].

This decision has been difficult and was not taken lightly. [Provide additional context if appropriate such as the efforts taken to avoid this decision.]

Commencing from [date], is your official notice period of [number of days/weeks]. During this period, you are expected to conduct duties as normal and ensure a smooth handover.

[Discuss severance package or any other benefits that the employee will be receiving.]

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Thank you for your service to [Company's Name] and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

[Your Full Name]

2. Performance-Based Termination Letter Template

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company's Name]
[Company's Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]

[Employee’s Name]
[Employee’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

We regret to inform you that your employment at [Company's Name] is being terminated due to continued underperformance, effective [Termination Date].

Despite multiple warnings and performance review meetings held on [dates of meetings], your performance has not improved to the standards required by your position.

Please be sure to return any company property on or before your last work day. [Discuss other exit procedures such as last paycheck, benefits, etc.]

We wish you the best in your future professional endeavors.

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]

3. Termination for Cause Letter Template

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company's Name]
[Company's Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]

[Employee’s Name]
[Employee’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

This letter serves as formal notice of your immediate termination from [Company's Name] due to a violation of [specific company policies or breach of contract] that occurred on [date of occurrence].

This action is a result of [provide specific details and instances of violations].

[Discuss exit procedures such as collection of company property, final paycheck, etc.]

We wish you the best in your future professional endeavors.

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]

4. Probationary Termination Letter Template

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company's Name]
[Company's Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]

[Employee’s Name]
[Employee’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

This is to notify you that your probationary period with [Company's Name] has ended, and we have decided not to extend your contract. The decision is effective from [date].

Despite the support and opportunities provided, your performance did not meet the expected levels as discussed during the course of your probation.

[Indicate any paperwork, company belongings that need to be returned.]

We appreciate your contributions during your time with us and wish you the best in your future endeavors.

[Your Full Name]

5. Voluntary Termination (Resignation Acceptance) Letter Template

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company's Name]
[Company's Address]
[City, State, ZIP]
[Email Address]

[Employee’s Name]
[Employee’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP]

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

I am writing to confirm the receipt and acceptance of your resignation letter, dated [date]. As discussed, your last working day with [Company's Name] will be [last working day based on notice period].

[Comment favorably about the employee's contributions to the company]

Please let us know how we can assist you during your transition process. Your final paycheck will include [explain any owed pay, holiday pay, benefits, etc.]

On behalf of [Company's Name], I would like to thank you for your service and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

[Your Full Name]

Advantages of the Termination Letter Generator

The free Termination Letter Generator by HIX.AI can prove very useful in different ways. Let’s look at some of the greatest advantages of utilizing this handy tool.


With our Termination Letter Generator, you’ll benefit from better work efficiency. There’ll be no more need to spend extra time getting the letter format right and finding the optimal word choices. Instead, the generator will do all the heavy lifting for you.

Ease of Use

The user interface in HIX.AI’s Termination Letter Generator is seamless and made for your complete comfort. Anyone from complete beginners to tech professionals can use the tool just as efficiently. Simply provide the crucial details, and the generator will create the perfect letter in mere seconds.

Complete Customization

In addition to writing the necessary name and job title, you can customize the output of the Termination Letter Generator in several other important aspects, including providing up to five talking points to cover in the letter body, as well as defining tones of voice to give the letter a unique touch.

Easy Output Editing

Once you generate a formatted termination letter, you can tweak the output however you deem fit. Edit the generated content manually right in the output box or, if you want advanced editing options, paste the letter into our AI Writer for more professional edits.

Broad Language Support

HIX.AI Termination Letter Generator supports more than 30 languages, including English, German, French, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and Arabic, allowing you to easily, effectively, and professionally communicate with your staff from all over the world.

How to Write Termination Letters?

Writing a termination letter isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. You must consider various factors to ensure the letter is well-written and includes correct legal language. Here’s what you should consider when writing this letter type.

Consult a Legal Professional

The most important step in writing a termination letter is to seek out legal advice before moving forward. When terminating an employee, you need to abide by labor laws and any applicable legal requirements. These may vary depending on your location, so you should be aware of all legal details before issuing the termination letter.

Check Company Policies

Besides laws and state policies, you should account for all company policies that relate to terminations. These policies should be stated in the termination letter itself to make the employee aware of their rights and responsibilities during and after the termination process.

Double-Check the Generated Termination Letter

Once you use our Termination Letter Generator, make sure to go through the generated content and check all of the important details. Of course, legal information will be key here, but you should also tweak the tone if needed. While the generator will produce excellent letters, you might want to edit certain sections to get your full intention across while maintaining a professional tone.

Why You Should Use HIX.AI’s Termination Letter Generator

✒️ VersatileGenerate multiple unique styles
🌐 MultilingualSupports over 30 world languages
🕵️ Plagiarism-Free100% unique, originally written content
👍 ProfessionalProfessional-level termination letters


  • 1. Is the Termination Letter Generator by HIX.AI actually free?

    Yes, HIX.AI’s Termination Letter Generator is 100% free to use. Bear in mind that the free version has a word limitation that is more restrictive than the paid version. Considering that the product is more affordable than most available tools, there’s no reason not to buy and expand your options immediately.

  • 2. How quickly does the Termination Letter Generator by HIX.AI generate a termination letter?

    The HIX.AI Termination Letter Generator can produce results in mere seconds. This is due to the tool’s user-friendly design focused on efficiency and speed. The generator is meant to save you time and effort, and that’s precisely what it’ll do.

  • 3. Can I generate several termination letters at a time?

    The Termination Letter Generator from HIX.AI only allows you to create only one letter at a time. However, you can easily repeat the simple process to create as many termination letters as you need.

  • 4. Is the HIX.AI Termination Letter Generator available on different devices?

    Like all HIX.AI software, the browser-based Termination Letter Generator is made for seamless use, which means you won’t have issues using the tool across different devices. The tool has support for desktop and laptop computers, as well as smart devices like phones and tablets.

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