
Conch AI vs Copymatic vs HIX.AI

See our exhaustive comparison table of Conch AI vs Copymatic vs HIX.AI. Discover what features and assistance these AI-driven writing assistants offer to find the the most helpful copilot to satisfy your content creation needs.

 Conch AICopymaticHIX.AI
Free Plan   
Language ModelUnspecifiedGPT-3GPT-3.5/4
AI Writing Tools4+80+120+
Supported LanguagesTheory all, but they have only tested 5 languages20+50+
Article Rewriter   
Video to Article   
Paraphrasing Tool   
Brand Voice   
Bulk Processing   
Long-Form Article Writer   
Supported Article Types  8
Content Backed by Credible Resources    (Top Google Search Results, Google News, Amazon Product Pages, …)
SEO-friendly Content Creation   
Up-to-date Content Creation    (Backed by up-to-date information online)
ChatGPT-Like Chatbot  (Log in required)  
Web Access  (Have to turn on "Include Google search data " button) 
Image Generation   
AccessibilityAccessible through web appAccessible through web app & Chrome browser extensionAccessible through web app & Chrome browser extension
Chat with PDF   
YouTube Summarizer   
Webpage Summarizer   
AI Document Editor   
Writing Modes  3 (AI Mode, Chat Mode, Power Mode)
1-Click Google Docs Export   
1-Click WordPress Export   
Chatbot Assistance   
AI Writing Templates4 120
Integrated AI Availability   
Plagiarism Check   
Grammarly Integration   
All-in-One Browser Extension   
Work in Chrome and Edge   
Work in Social Media    (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Quora, Reddit, YouTube)
Work in Email    (Gmail)
Work in Google Docs   
Search Engine Enhancement    (Google, Yahoo Search, DuckDuckGo, Naver, Baidu)
Quick Lookup Toolbar     (Translate, grammar check, longer, shorter, explain and more)
Browser Sidebar    (HIX.AI ChatGPT sidebar, a a more versatile Bing Sidebar alternative)
Chatbot Integrated   
AI Email Writer   
Email Templates  20+
Summarize Emails   
Suggest & Write Replies   
Accessibility Accessible through web app & browser extensionAccessible through web app & browser extension
Tones of Voices 1213
Supported Languages 20+50+
Try Our Powerful, All-in-One AI Writing Copilot

Want an AI Writer More Powerful Than Conch AI and Copymatic?

Try Our Powerful, All-in-One AI Writing Copilot

HIX Writer

Empower your writing with 120+ AI writing tools

HIX Bypass

Bypass AI detection with 100% undetectable AI content


Create undetectable, plagiarism-free essays with accurate citations

Browser Extension

The all-in-one ChatGPT copilot: rewrite, translate, summarize, Chat with PDF anywhere

No credit card required
Conch AI: New AI Tool with a Unique Feature Set

Conch AI: New AI Tool with a Unique Feature Set

Conch AI was released in February 2023, making it one of the most recent AI tools in the market. But, the company says it already has over 500,000 active users and over a million visitors to their platform.

Conchs AI features are primarily aimed at students. It may help you get some tips for your essay, summarize an article, rewrite a text, or manage in-text citations.


The generated content tends to have a consistent tone and style.

Has useful templates that can help you get new ideas and perspectives, which can prove useful for creative writing.

Its summarizing feature lets you summarize a text and get the gist of the topic with minimal fuss.


It doesn't create SEO-friendly content.

Can't handle bulk processing.

Not helpful for SEO professionals, freelance writers, and business professionals due to its restricted feature set.

Copymatic – 100% Unique Content with a Caveat

Copymatic – 100% Unique Content with a Caveat

Copymatic is an AI-powered content generation tool with a built in plagiarism checker, which is one of over 80 tools Copymatic offers, on top of a Google Chrome extension and its CopyChat AI writing assistant.

That assistant is useful for quickly answering questions you can work into your own writing. However, the copy creation tool often struggles with plagiarism despite being limited to approximately 1,000-word-long articles, making editing and it's ability to catch itself in the copying act compulsory. It offers over 25 languages and currently has a team of about ten people working on it.


Handy plagiarism detection

Generates copy and pictures

Comes with several templates

Easy to use


Plagiarizes too often

You only get 1,500 words in the free trial

Why HIX.AI Is a Superior Alternative to Conch AI and Copymatic

HIX.AI is an all-in-one writing copilot that can handle all your writing needs. It is the only solution you need to generate top-quality, reliable, and SEO-friendly copy.

HIX Writer

120+ accessible AI writing tools for all kinds of writing, editing, and optimization needs.

HIX Editor

HIX ArticleGPT

HIX Chat

HIX Email Writer

HIX.AI All-in-One Chrome Extension

Try Our Powerful, All-in-one AI Writing Copiloht Today!

Try Our Powerful, All-in-one AI Writing Copilot Today!

Enhance your writing process with HIX.AI. Whether you're crafting fact-based articles, humanizing AI text, or rewriting, summarizing, and translating your content, HIX.AI provides the tools you need.

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