
HyperWrite vs InstaText vs HIX.AI

Explore our extensive and in-depth comparison of HyperWrite vs InstaText vs HIX.AI. Get insight into what features these AI text generators offer to find the the best copilot to help you create quality content.

 HyperWrite InstaTextHIX.AI
Pricing$19.99-$44.99/mo$29.99/mo - custom$4.99-$199.99/mo
Free Plan   
Language ModelGPT-3/4 -GPT-3.5/4
AI Writing Tools300+ 120+
Supported LanguagesEnglish only1 (Only English)50+
Article Rewriter   
Video to Article   
Paraphrasing Tool   
Brand Voice   
Bulk Processing   
AI Document Editor   
Writing Modes3 (Alwasys TypeAhead, Sometimes TypeAhead, Never TypeAhead) 3 (AI Mode, Chat Mode, Power Mode)
1-Click Google Docs Export   
1-Click WordPress Export   
Chatbot Assistance   
AI Writing Templates17 120
Integrated AI Availability   
Plagiarism Check   
Grammarly Integration   
AI Email Writer  (Multiple email writing tools, not an independent email writer)  
Email Templates15+ 20+
Summarize Emails   
Suggest & Write Replies   
Tones of Voices  13
Supported LanguagesEnglish only 50+
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HyperWrite: AI Copy Crafting and Oversight

HyperWrite: AI Copy Crafting and Oversight

HyperWrite is the brainchild of the AI experts at OthersideAI. It's a New York-based company and has over 30 employees to its name. While being somewhat new in the AI copy creation industry, it accumulated $2.8 million in its final round of seed funding March 2023.

It has several AI features, including a summarizer, content rewriter, and speechwriter for creating AI-enhanced copy with little fuss. Unfortunately, HyperWrite may generate mistakes in content from time to time.


Generates output speedily to create time savings.

Incorporates into tools in the Google suite, including Google Docs and Gmail.


Restricted to short outputs even for its paid plan–you should upgrade to one of its premium plans to get your hands on longer outputs.

No sign of a plagiarism and grammar checker.

Some tools provide superior functionality to HyperWrite for the same price point.

Best HyperWrite Alternatives

InstaText: AI-Powered Text Enhancement

InstaText: AI-Powered Text Enhancement

Created in 2019 in Slovenia, InstaText is an AI paraphrasing website that reconstructs your texts to optimize understandability and fluency. It features accurate recommendations depending on your preferred writing style and dialect.

Users can include all improvements with just one click. Some practical functions like browser extensions and integrations with Google Docs and Gmail are also ready for use.


Integrations with many other websites mean users can avoid copy-pasting every change.

Minimizes time spent checking and editing

Rewords solid content in a matter of minutes


The customization choices for the tone and style of your texts are minimal.

The quality of editorial suggestions is inadequate across different topics.

No options for proofreading short sentences and some caution is advised

Best InstaText Alternatives

The HIX.AI Edge Over HyperWrite and InstaText

As the ultimate all-in-one AI writing copilot, HIX.AI boosts your creative efforts top to bottom, regardless of if you're rewording, grammar checking, or generating articles from scratch, with a considerable edge over HyperWrite and InstaText in every aspect.

120+ AI Writing Tools

Produce any text 10x faster in 50+ languages with a suite numbering more than 120 writing tools.

HIX Editor

HIX Email Writer

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Try Our Powerful, All-in-one AI Writing Copilot Today!

Enhance your writing process with HIX Writer. Whether you're crafting fact-based articles, humanizing AI text, or rewriting, summarizing, and translating your content, HIX Writer provides the tools you need.

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