
Chatsonic vs ProWritingAid vs HIX Writer

Explore our extensive and in-depth comparison of Chatsonic vs ProWritingAid vs HIX Writer. Get insight into what features these AI text generators offer to find the the best copilot to help you create quality content.

 ChatsonicProWritingAidHIX Writer
Pricing$16-$499/mo$10-$30/mo; $399/lifetime$4.99-$199.99/mo
Free Plan   
Language ModelGPT-3.5/4UnspecifiedGPT-3.5/4
AI Writing Tools 1 (all-in-one AI tool)120+
Supported Languages25+1 (Only English)50+
Article Rewriter   
Video to Article   
Paraphrasing Tool   
Brand Voice   
Bulk Processing   
AI Document Editor   
Writing Modes  3 (AI Mode, Chat Mode, Power Mode)
1-Click Google Docs Export   
1-Click WordPress Export   
Chatbot Assistance   
AI Writing Templates  120
Integrated AI Availability   
Plagiarism Check   
Grammarly Integration   
AI Email Writer   
Email Templates  20+
Summarize Emails   
Suggest & Write Replies   
Tones of Voices  13
Supported Languages  50+
Try Our Powerful, All-in-One AI Writing Copilot

Want an AI Writer More Powerful Than Chatsonic and ProWritingAid?

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The all-in-one ChatGPT copilot: rewrite, translate, summarize, Chat with PDF anywhere

No credit card required
Chatsonic: Unshackling the Might of Neural Networks and AI Art Generation

Chatsonic: Unshackling the Might of Neural Networks and AI Art Generation

In spite of the fact that it was only unveiled in December 2022, Chatsonic already has 10,000 active users daily. This AI tool is based on neural networks and combined with scripted dialogue, which empowers it to duplicate and recite human speech.

Moreover, Chatsonic has an AI art generation feature that can generate imagery for your articles. If you don't want manually enter inputers via a keyboard, you can speak directly to the tool. And since it supports API access, you can incorporate the tool into your existing apps.


Smart use of voice, as well as text, commands.

Pulls from the latest Google data so you can get up-to-date information.


The free trial and business plans place word limits on users.

It's easy to find tools that eclipse it in the market for a comparable price.

Has a tendency to pass off incorrect information as real facts and needs manual checking.

ProWritingAid - A Helpful Content Creation Tool Combining People and AI

ProWritingAid - A Helpful Content Creation Tool Combining People and AI

ProWritingAid is a tool that's been around for over a decade and has a 20+ team of employees that join up with professional writers and professors to give article analysis.

It gives you a huge variety of checks, including grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, and tone, all while putting forward suggestions about parts of your writing that need improvement. Moreover, it has a function for rephrasing parts of your copy plus plagiarism detection and helpful reporting features.

It's vital to understand that ProWritingAid doesn't write for you, nor can it give you ideas for new articles. Also, you have to deal with a handful of issues. For starters, it asks you to create an account to try out its tools. Furthermore, the unpaid tier will only analyze up to 500 words.


Comprehensive feedback and advice

Masterclass videos give you more guidance

Offers readability reporting

Can be implemented in several software packages


Can't generate or conceptualize content

The free plan restricts you to 500 words

Why Opt for HIX Writer Instead of Chatsonic and ProWritingAid

HIX Writer is the most versatile, all-in-one AI writing copilot that offers writing advice from A to Z with writing. You can unlock the productivity boosts you get from our AI assistance, such as rewriting, summarizing, and content generating with our web-based app and everywhere you see or create copy with our browser extension installed.

120+ AI Writing Tools

Write and translate in 50+ languages quicker than a heartbeat with over 120 writing tools built in.

HIX Editor

HIX Email Writer

Try Our Powerful, All-in-one AI Writing Copiloht Today!

Try Our Powerful, All-in-one AI Writing Copilot Today!

Enhance your writing process with HIX Writer. Whether you're crafting fact-based articles, humanizing AI text, or rewriting, summarizing, and translating your content, HIX Writer provides the tools you need.

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